Writer: Basil Latorre
Topic: Roleplay/Rape Fantasy

My time online, I have seen it all and just about heard it all. I have even been propositioned.
Most of the time, being propositioned for sex is a good thing if you are a single, horny guy on the prowl for no-string's attached girl-"friends." I mean, most men are, but some won't admit to that fact. Truth is, every single guy is up for that...with the right non-committal girl of course. They just don't make enough of those girls after college. After college, girls tend to start looking for the serious guy. Non-committal girls are the rarity, so when you find one...enjoy her, it won't happen a lot.
When I first signed up for Myspace... some time in 2004, early '05, I was friend-requested by this one girl who enjoyed reading my lame, boring old blogs I had just posted. This was before I figured out this blogging thing. Who am I kidding, I still haven't figured it out! But she liked it. This is where I learned Myspace was full of interested women looking for fun flirting...and of course, love. I was more interested in the fun and flirting. Love was a disease I wasn't interested in catching. I learned pretty fast that it was spreading-like Swine flu. Thank God I had the H1N1 vaccination called the recent ex-girlfriend to remind me I didn't want any part of that.
This girl wasn't looking for her next hit of love crack on Myspace...she was looking for her next hit of E, ME!!
It was all heavy flirting and innuendos from the start. That's how it always starts. You start out with small doses of flirting...where it leads to more intense, more in your face kind of flirting. Pretty soon, you are talking dirty and what you want to do to her, followed by her reply of filth and what she is going to do to you in return. It was great, she wanted love and a relationship about as much as I did. I thought it could be all smoke and mirrors, but the more we talked, I got the idea she just wanted to get it pounded and cum a lot. We did a little photo sharing...phone sex. She was really wild, with the pulling my hair stuff, push me around, but I didn't think anything of it, some girls like it that way. So, I told her I would grab the back of her neck, bend her over and finger her from behind...She loved it, the more aggressive I got, the more she got into it.
After awhile, I began to learn that she really wasn't, or couldn't be satisfied sexually. And like any guy, we all think we can be the one to give it, and give it to her good.
I know what you girls are thinking. Where have I heard that before?
What are we supposed to say though ladies?
No, you're right, probably can't fuck you retarded, let me hit it anyway? That's hot...but again, like all guys, I really did think I could. At this point in my life, I had already tried and been having sex long enough where I knew where I was king, and where I needed help. And let's face it, we all think we have the magic wand for a cock...hocus pocus, YOU have multiple orgasms. Abra cadabra - SQIURT!!!!
I might even be able to convince you I can pull a rabbit out, but that might also scare you. So I will stick with the orgasms.
She was into me, but she still didn't seem convinced, and I really wanted to fuck her now. Even just out of curiosity...what's the worst thing that could happen, I can't? I would just blame her, and go about my business, smirk. I mean that's what us guys do anyway to save face...we blame the vagina not being functional.
So one night, the conversation takes a wild twist. She finally gets curious enough to meet up, I mean we both live in NYC. She starts asking me questions about roleplay, and how aggressive I can be...I mean, what, she wants me to pull hair, throw her around. I got that. She wants a good sport fuck.
But no, for us to have sex, she wanted to know if I would rape her in some funky roleplay craziness. Now I have heard of rape fantasies. But not with an actual stranger. But it gets even more crazy, seems as if this is the only way she can get off...to be punched, surprised and then raped while she tries to fight back.
I said: Whoah Momma - What the fuck are you talking about?
She said: I want you to rape me and hurt me...punch me in the face and fuck me.
I said: Did we have issues as a kid...are you kidding, or just fucking crazy?
She said: Not crazy, I can't get off any other way.
I said: Ok, well, do YOU think I'M crazy, what makes you think I would ever agree to that?
She said: Well, you talk a good game, prove it.
I am imagining me in hand cuffs, crying as they take me away for rape...screaming, she wanted it, I swear.
I said: That takes serious trust...let me ask you, do you do this with everyone, since you can't get off?
She said: Sometimes I go out and do this...with strangers I meet at clubs. You would be surprised how many guys enjoy doing it.
I couldn't get past the idea of jail, and that I really didn't know this girl, or who she was, or was about. And most of all, punching her. Like I said, I can throw you around, on the bed...be forceful. Pull your hair while I control you. But actually punching her...Yikes. I took a pass on the idea of the worst possible outcome. And that was, that she said it wasn't consensual. I am not above playing out a rape fantasy, but that requires trust, and knowing your partner. And signing a letter of consent wouldn't hurt either, for that matter,or talking into a video camera that you agreed to it.
She promptly deleted me after calling me a pussy. I replied with a meow. This is one pussy that will never be behind bars...or wanted by the law, like Kobe Bryant. Kobe may have been guilty of cheating on his wife, but of rape...I seriously doubt it. Roleplay is and can be a lot of fun. But it's not something you can do with a stranger. People shouldn't be thought of as weird for their interests. I have a cousin Sebastian, who by day, is a hard working father of three. But by night...enjoys the fantasy of being a vampire, who goes by the name, Don Dante Della Morte. He likes being around other people who enjoy that culture. I am sure there is vampire fucking to go with it.
I did have one other roleplay reality experience...but that will come in a future reality blog.
So I have to ask, how do you feel about Rape roleplay fantasies?
Do you think she would have cried rape?
Basil LaTorre
Dating Naked.
bwahahahaha. you pussy.
just kidding.
that's pretty intense actually. not sure if I would go that far either. I like a little agressiveness sometimes but mostly in the form of talk play not "come here and punch me in the face"
have some role play fantasies of my own but I have to hit the door and will be back later to comment some more.
hugs and kisses
MEOW, you little bi otch. Just because I know you forever, doesn't mean you can bust my onions. lol
I enjoy aggressive, in-fact, it gets my juices really flowing. Some of my best works of art in bed, came from pushing and pulling. But this girl, wanted it as real as I could make it, and bottom line...I didn't trust her mental stability to play like that.
Wowsers! What happened to her if that's the ONLY way she can get off??
Nah. You did the right thing.
Yes, I've done the rape/role play thing. What can I say? Takes a LOT of trust, and I really have to dig the guy. As for the rough sex..yeah. I'm not sure what it is about it, but it's def a fave. Moreso with someone newer...Hmmm. That seems like a contradiction, but it isn't.
With a total stranger?? NO WAY!!
You def dodged a bullet there!
Wow. That's just weird. Some people need to keep their fantasies to themselves.
Do you remember the round of guys on MySpace saying they could give women as many as 30-40 orgasms in one sexual encounter? Everyone was making fun of them...none of us women really believed that was possible.
Steph, most guys all think they are in control of women's orgasms. Women who know their body are...although we help, its the women who make it go...or go just once. It takes a guy who knows how to bring her to that point. And it was Sam...Mr religous. He thinks god granted him that gift.
And yes, some people should, but they won't.
Sage, just catching up on some of your blogs and I think role playing could be fun... however that is extensive. The rape fantasy I can understand but the punching someone in the face? WTH? I think there were some other issues and I don't blame you for backing out. That is not something you would do with a stranger and I do believe at any point the finger will be pointed that it was rape that's a tough one.
Telefonsex Zugang
privat sex
Thank u ;-) you should look at that emo boy style over this blog:
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