Well, now that depends...what are we talking about here? Are we talking about playing doctor and nurse, or dressing up as furry animals, and having a furry romp, midday in the park?
I have always thought role play was fun...I mean, it keeps a relationship fresh, while, never really having to go outside the commitment. Just discovering the filth inside the minds of our better halves can be a lot of fun...and might I add, arousing. On the other hand, it can also be an absolute mind fuck if it's something you really aren't into. "You wanna what, wear that...and do what again?"
I am pretty kinky for a 33 old white boy from Brooklyn, NY. I will pretty much try anything, as long as it doesn't make my rectum bleed or put me in drag. I will not be sporting a pretty butterfly thong, as much as some of you are giggling at that idea like third graders at the sound of an oops fart. I am however, up to play the part.
Just tell me what you need...what are we talking about?
How far are you willing to go for someone you love...that is the question. Would you rape someone you love, if they asked you to? That's role play. Would you dress up, and play a part? Would you go out in public, with someone you know everything about, and pretend you didn't know them, like you were cheating?
These examples are the new form of role play. The doctor, yeah..he is out. The school teacher...well, that's still in if you ask me. I always wanted to shtook my teacher.
If your husband wanted you to dress up, as a school girl, in a Catholic school girl's uniform, would you? Should you? Would you think he is secretly thinking about under-aged girls, still in high school?
Would you put on, a pink furry costume of a rabbit?
As much as that amuses me. I have to admit, I have stumbled upon some porn of people playing furries and fucking, and found it hard to look away. I also admit, if my girl came to me, and asked me to wear it, I might look at her funny, say out loud..."you're kidding...right?" But if I knew she was totally serious, as ashamed as I am to admit this, I would be online researching furry costumes.
I say that, because once you open that door, there is no closing it. Who wants to close a door, on something that they have been secretly fantasizing about for God knows how long?
Relationships are far too serious to begin with...it's why men wander. It's why women read books, instead of blowing their husband. Marriages tend to become the house of Mommy and Daddy, and we have to be these role models for our children. Next thing we know, we have become our parents. The parents you make faces at when you think of them getting a quickie and catching them in the act. To prove that, imagine Mom and Dad dressed as furries, getting it on in the park...behind some bushes.
Mind fucked ya, huh?
Some of you are thinking, well...I am not into that. I don't have to worry about that scenario. Me and my other half, are not into role play of any kind. But what if he or she was...but they never told you, until now?
I can tell you right now...behind every relationship, is a secret they have never told you. Don't believe me, ask your spouse in a way that encourages honesty, not hide it. Be open to whatever they might drop on your lap. They might want to spank you...S&M anyone?
Maybe it's one of those things I already mentioned...maybe they want to act like you guys just met, and meet for sex at a hotel on the sneak. Maybe they want to dress up as an adorable, cute, little freaky mouse. Maybe they want you to dress up as their favorite character from Star Wars...Like Han Swallows. What if your husband, like Zack and Miri Make a Porno, wants to make a porno of you two on his own? Just how kinky can you get for the love of your relationship? It might just end up being a catastrophic success.
For the record, I am not really sure if I could wear a furry. But it's open for conversation. But if I was, what furry should I be? It's open for comment, and debate...and STOP laughing...NAKED!!!
Basil La Torre
ok now that i have stopped giggling about the butterfly thong.....
i think everyone has a limit to how far they would go. If you never ask your other half they wont ever have a clue that you would like to try something. i think if you are the one doing the asking you should also be open to the idea that they are not going to be into it, especially if it is something really crazy.
i so love the idea of the furries.
for you... mmmmmm maybe the big bad wolf? or maybe a lion.
interesting you picked those two animals over soft little ones.
I am smug now
i was thinking the whole big bad wolf and little red ridding hood type thing.
i couldn't imagine you hopping threw the woods in a fluffy rabbit costume haha ok i could. *giggles* oh wait Alice and wonderland... mmmm oh god i could see me running threw the woods in nothing but a red cape lol..
Now thats lust teasing.
its funny you asked if a woman would be ok if her husband wanted her to dress up as a school girl.. I am single and so no question of a husband or a boyfriend but I have that fantasy.. to dress up as a school girl and go to town (if you know what I mean).. that doesn't make me bad.. so if my boyfriend was into that, or the doctor nurse thing, or whatever else, why the hell not is my answer? only S&M is not my thang..
Ok, so here is the problem.
What if he did the whole roleplay thing with you...but he was curious and interested in the S&M thing.
Would you try it anyway...for him, thats the point. would you try things you weren't into for love?
if you had a boyfriend, that is.. haha
no, not into the S&M thing at all and wouldn't want to even try it.. it just feels like a little too far out there for me to give it a shot..
Yeah me too...pinching me..cracking me one, not so much...making me say I am her bitch.
sometimes, you just have to say yeah, not so much. but then I would be obligated to do something else she might be into - And welcome to my blog. Hope you subscribe, come again.
I am not into the roe playing thing at all for some reason, I am attracted to my hubby as he is, although maybe, just maybe once in a while I might imagine something in my head, but never him being someone else. That's just me though, I can see where others would want to do it though. Maybe throw in a wig here or there, but not to go into a different character all together. Just not what I like. As for the furry outfit, that would be a definite wtf thing for me.
But let me ask you, would you be against it because you ar enot into it, or because the idea of him pretending you are someone else would drive you crazy?
Ok Basil... only you could find a video with bunny sex. Maybe the furry isn't so bad after all..lol lol
I think that as long as it doesn't involve pain, it's perfectly ok to role play and act out fantasies. It's quite erotic and certainly keeps things fresh especially if you are in a long term relationship. Even small things like changing hair color can add new life in the bedroom.
I agree with "Miss Over Thinker" on the S&M though. As much as I like to please my partner, I think that is too far for me. Pain just isn't a turn on for me.
Great write as usual..more please :)
the only thing i draw the line at is pretending to be someone's mommy. As I told them, I have a son in real life and that's just gross and unnatural.
hmmm, so you would wear a costume?
First of all...I'm pretty open to most things. I like role-playing with someone I really trust. Someone new, and well...for some reason, it's harder to take seriously. Maybe because WE aren't really serious. Not sure.
Limits? Yeah. Anything too painful. And I'm not going to let you suck my blood and be a vampire. Not going to dress up and be in a "furry" scenario. Lots of the time, there's no sex involved there. Just lots of animal noises and rubbing. WTH???? No thank you!
I had one guy that wanted me as his submissive. It turned me on for a while, but I don't think I had the whole picture of it before I said yes. I like someone in control..who can get that out of me. That's awesome. But don't call me bitch, slut, whore...all that stuff. Don't belittle or demean me. Don't blindfold me and leave me tied up for hours...blah blah...and not DO anything. That's just plain frustrating and boring. Yeah..being spread eagle is fun and all...but if you're not actively there participating with something happening...then..that'll dry things up pretty quickly, frankly!! TMI?
Been the schoolgirl. I like that one too. Reminds me of highschool and all the exploratory naughtiness!!
What furry do I see you as? I have to be honest...I just can't picture it. Not with any seriousness!!!
I agree with BrambleRose about the "Mommy" thing. Although I gear more toward avoiding the "teacher" thing. As a teacher it just creeps me out to think of sex and my job; instant turn off!
You want to talk role play... play the perfect man and finish the "Honey Do List" then I think most women would be game for almost any kind of bed play; furry, naked, butterfly thong (really?).
~Basil, I can't believe I actually got sucked into this blogging thing! All your fault darlin!
as interesting.......
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Interesting. Does make you think, even if you spend a few minutes laughing at the rabbit costume. Even if I loved the person, I would think WTF to myself. I probably wouldnt be able to stop laughing long enough to even try to get turned on. Who wants to see their man in a butterfly thong...? ew.
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