Is giving head, dead. Do they still make this time machine...and how do we turn them from time machine, to a Hoover vac, for our pleasure?
A few years ago, one of my writers wrote a blog called "Oral Fixation" that opened up the door to the topic like never before. While there are certainly women who love giving it, it also opened the debate to women who don't. It doesn't matter what new positions you and your lover find during sex, with some women...the idea of oral sex is nauseating. I myself have had the “No thanks!” run-in a few times. It leaves you looking down at your junk, thinking...what did it ever do to you?
I have even had one girl tell me she would lick it, but wouldn't put it in her mouth. I thought to myself, lick it? What is it, a charms blow pop...baby, there is no gum. She said, "I don't want it in my mouth, or anyone's for that matter, don't take it personally." I replied, “I have to, I think my penis is going to need therapy after this.”
Talk about rejected; so I let her do her version of a blowjob, while it wasn't the worst of things, it left me yearning for the full mouthy.
One of the many reasons women are turned off by the idea of giving a blow job, comes from a taught belief that oral sex is impure, dirty and even disgusting, spawned by religious-minded parents. Others come from really bad experiences with previous partners who criticized their performance. After reading a comment on the blog "Oral Fixation" by a reader named Danielle...I thought about other reasons women detest the idea of oral sex...And I totally feel for them.
This is just some of what she said: "I am not the biggest fan of blow jobs. It’s not that I hate them...I am " boycotting". First of all, I really have probably the worst gag reflex in the world!! I gag brushing my teeth for God sakes. I am down to do it when it’s clean. I would not expect my husband to go down on me after sweating all day, so why should he expect me to? Secondly, a trim is only a cleanup if it actually makes a difference...I wouldn't expect my husband to find his way through a bush...and I make the adjustments ;) "
I sympathize, I do, a gag reflex is a gag reflex...But the trimming part. Hey...a little manscaping is very important in this day and age. Guys have slowly gotten past the idea, that yes...men can trim and shape too. So what, they call you "metro-sexual." GET OVER IT! It looks good, it’s clean. It even gives you the illusion of more shaft. Yes, it was always there, but at first glance, a few of those inches were covered by a giant man bush.
But, one of the main reasons women aren't too excited about giving men oral pleasure is because they feel that they don't have the skills to properly please their man. I have heard more women, be kind of intimidated by my sexual past...feeling they wouldn't be as good as others might have been. So, they don't do it at all.
Also, I was talking to a past writer not too long ago about the complex women have about blowjobs. It is the belief that men take longer to reach their climax through oral sex as compared to sexual intercourse. For this reason, some women take offense and feel that if they cannot properly please their man, they would prefer not to do it at all.
1: We all have a past, and while some of our sexual experiences were better than others, that should never make one not want to do something, don't matter what it is. In all honesty, it should make you work that much harder, to be that much better. I know I would. I can't expect to start out being the best she’s ever had, but I, for damn sure, will learn how to be.
2: Yes, for some strange reason, entering a woman makes you want to orgasm, right there and then. I never really understood that. Maybe it’s because we are not doing any of the work...maybe it’s just a small difference in sensation. It for sure doesn't mean you are doing it wrong...if you want the truth, when you are getting bad head, we want it over with, even before we reach climax. If we are taking longer, it’s probably because it feels amazing, and we don't want it to stop.
Danielle also stated in that comment, that she hated the taste of sperm. And, really, as a guy, I don't blame her...more times than not, after watching a girl take a mouthful, I often wondered how the hell she did that with out hurling on my lap. I really do sympathize. But women have tricks where they don’t even taste it, when it goes down with one swallow...my heroes! But in talking taste, let’s not forget that women don't taste like cherry Kool-Aid...yet, I would never use that excuse. You women have far more going on down there than any guy at any time. The truth is, I get lost in the giving so much so, I never think about it.
3: Blowjobs should never be used as a reward once a month. To go along with Danielle's comment, there was also a reader who admitted that she also didn't like it, but did it for her husband once a month, as a treat for being good.
A TREAT, WTF is that? Maybe he deserves being treated like a child. But whatever happened to spontaneity in the relationship? Where is the foreplay, and the idea that anything, can and will happen? So what happens if he had his “once a month” treat the night before, and you are fooling around the next day, does that mean his penis is off limits to your mouth? To me, that is what's wrong with marriage...things change. People don't make out, sex is a chore because it’s your duty to please your man, and not that you can't help but want to please him, and be pleasured back. This is why men wander off, because they want that raw, unexpected in-the-moment rush that comes when the lust gets the better of you.
If she were my wife, she would get one conversation, about how that makes me feel. If it went ignored, or overlooked or if it turned into a fight, divorce papers would be next, on the grounds of false advertisement. I want what we had when we first got together. No exceptions. And if that was what he married, and she was always like that...you get what you paid for. Never take less than what you are worth.
Be Sensitive: Women are not the only ones who should speak up in the bedroom, but for Christ sakes guys...ease up! You sound like a father scolding his kid. Lighten up and remember she might not understand the male penis like we don’t know their genitalia. Take your time and explain that some of what she heard through "Rumors" about men loving teeth is not always true with you. I myself cannot stand teeth chewing on my mini-me. But ladies, close your eyes and imagine your guy wrapping his teeth around one of your lips, and scraping them across it...yeah, OUCH!
Oral foreplay: You don't always have to jump right into the act. Oral foreplay can make going down on your guy even more enjoyable than you can imagine. Use flavored lubes, or honey...whatever you like. It can open some serious doors into some wild nights.
She Cums First: Never underestimate the power of a mind-blowing orgasm, especially the feeling of your lips against her clit. This is a first kiss that will literally take her breath away, and open that door that is her mouth to your penis. Make her cum hard. She will be more than willing to help you out.
So, I know this is a subject that some of you are not willing to talk about in public...You never know who else is reading, or you are just shy. But for those who will, leave some comments.
What do you think about the married woman who only performs once a month as a treat?
Does oral sex turn you off, and why? Is giving head, dead?
Basil...Dating Naked.
I LOVE it!!! giving and recieving. But I have to know someone well enough, like dating for a while. Not just something I do right off the bat.
And a clean cut shave is mandatory.
I can see that, but I don't think I have followed that rule in my life. I have been known for one night stand head for women.
I guess I am a whore. lol
Too much to say here. It's funny how varied, both men and women are about giving oral. I know more men than women who are more than alittle reserved about giving any. It's beyond comprehension when someone won't give but want to recieve. It's like, you'e kidding? I understand on a one night stand..., but even then if only they knew how much more into it you get, when you get it too.
I have found quite a variety of likes and dislikes of technique among men. I actually dated someone who wanted teeth. ALOT of teeth and he was uncircumcised. The wierd thing was when I did teeth on his earlobe, as I do instincively, he squealed like alittle girl about it hurting so much.
I can't believe how many people out there still don't know about the shaving and that includes thier ass. Hell, how about a freshly showered body?
You are right on target about the misconceptions about oral sex being dirty... I think some people have never had a positive experience with giving it. They need to communicate about it among other things to their sig other. They are probably the ones who've also never had an orgasm or masturbate, or are comfortable with their body. Maybe they think it's unhealthy.
Seriously think about your misconceptions when you were inexperinced. I for one would love to hear abotu your first blowjob and your first time you gave oral. The first time I gave oral to a woman it was very strange. It reminded me alot of my first time I gave a blowjob. I was concerned about how well i would give my first one and what it would smell like and feel like and how to do it. I am a hands on learner and no explanation in my life prepared me for either moment.
Lastly about the lack of it in a relationship. I think it goes with any lacking of sexual relations, there must always be a reason behind. As long as they were giving it before.
I could go on.
So go on...but the teeth thing, not I..not ever. I will deck you..lol
I think opinions will always be different with anything involving sex. the blow job, is the second thing to go in a relationship. the first, the kiss.
eh. my neck hurts just thinking about it lol
what kind of comment is that...if your neck hurts, you can always giving a standing O...let him do the work. just open up and say....auuhhhhhh
I used to be a performer. Like I really got into pleasing a guy. I even mastered a little trick during the performance...I called it the male G-spot lol...but...
I guess I got tired. My neck and jaw hurt. Then it became a chore. I'd rather be on the receiving end nowadays instead of pretending like its some porno audition. But that's just me.
you lost me at porno audition - Quietly thinking about that. NICEEEEE
You don't gte, if you don't give...and thats why relationships suck.
I should've been a star!
That's so sad and true about the kiss and then the oral. I just thank god that I am very open minded. If I wasn't I would have missed out on so much. I feel bad for the people who's relationships are in jeopardy over something controllable like sex. You name the hang up and someone out there has one and then the risk of them looking for it elswhere comes up or they at least will resent you and that never turns out good. I'm not saying to pressure or nag people, because that also turns out bad, but maybe be more understanding to your sig others wants.
That's not true 100% of the time. As long as I am getting it enough for me I will give it without needing to get it.
I love giving head, lol. Just don't touch my head, I know what I'm doing and I don't need help!
Those are the most fantastic words. "I love giving head"
I cant relate to women like that! I love it and my boyfriend loves that I love it! Im almost dreading him coming home from Iraq.....oh man is my jaw is gonna be so sore! lol Now quit twisting my arm,B,I commented!
Slacker, its about time.
And you should be doing your JAW exercises so that it doesn't hurt...foo
I don't so it all the time, but I ACTUALLY have a med'l reason for that...I have a jaw that locks up, but on the other hand, when I do feel "loose" enough in that area to do it the hubby KNOWS he has to be trimmed to get it...trimming also spurs it on at times ;)
Let me confess that I came to this post out of sheer curiosity and to have a fun read. But... This is a terrific post. Me-self am someone with no active sex life since my break up almost a year and a half back. Getting a girl to bed is not that easy an affair in a conservative country like mine. But frankly, I'm not interested too. 'coz when I was in a rel I had my most satisfying sexual experience. We did try out a lot of things and foreplays and oral were an important prelude to all our sexual nights.
And yes. I hate that women's attitude of rewarding us wit a sexual service. I'd say the same - "WTF"! But I understand that the basic problem lies with the difference in the male and female psyche which are miles apart. And neither of them try to take an interest in understanding the other. They're happy and satisfied with their complaints that their partner "do not understand their needs, sexually or otherwise" and stray away in search of greener pastures all too easily. On a second thought, I'd say, it's the basic trouble with every human being's self centric, self preserving nature. I sometimes wonder whether we have evolved as a species at all!
I must admit that your post was most revealing and informative. And I'd sure suggest this to anyone who seems to have a problem with their sexual life.
With the right person oral sex is great! I think the difference between an Ok job and a great job is the desire to please. With both men and women, if you feel as if you are doing them a favor it will come across as if it is a chore. If you truly want to please them its a whole different experience.
Just a thought on it being a dying art; with women it is not something that you typically do casually, I myself need to feel comfortable with the person to want to pleasure them orally and enjoy it.
As a tip for men, give us a little feedback; and not as in how well the last person was or how bad we are! Tell us what feels great so we know. Good sex does not happen without communication. Not everyones likes or dislikes the same techniques so its important to tell your partner what turns you on.
Ekanthapadhikan - Let me first say welcome, and thank you. Second, more power to you. Most guys after they get out of a relationship, go whoring for all they are worth. I know I did.
LB - I agree, oral sex, can be better with th eright person, but some times, even with the wrong. Casual oral has it up moments. But I understand why thats probably more for the boys.
Basil... *blushing but here it goes* I love it! I CAN'T get off without GIVING. It is a HUGE turnout for me... more so to give then to receive. I'm talking those full on porno BJ's... There is a big difference between just doing it because it's expected -vs- doing it because YOU REALLY love to do it! I am sure guys will agree with me on that one...I have yet to date someone who didn't like to receive so I'm safe...LOL
When I was young and first started with foreplay..I realized that men seemed to have a SERIOUS fascination with the clit. *I* happen to be extremely sensitive, and actually realized pretty early on that I do better g-spot stimulated..and that the pulling of something inside me, managed to pull the skin around my clit plenty..hence the ability to cum easily even with penetration.
BUT it made oral on ME not that much fun, because I was a poor communicator, and they were unobservant..and rather than deal with that, AND the vulnerability i t took to allow someone that kind of intimacy with me, I just deferred.
Until after my divorce. I was finally with someone who paid attention, listened and enabled me to communicate better what I needed. WOW! What a difference. Still prefer being tongued inside, than too much clitoral stimulation...but each person is a little different.
NOW. YOU men. Since I first saw a penis (at 14) I wanted to taste it. Not sure why. Have never been squeamish in this arena..but didn't swallow for a long long time. Finally, after hours of foreplay in a date's vehicle...and no place other than my throat (at that moment) for things to go, I just made a decision and did it. And yep. I'm one of those that thinks it's one of the sexiest things ever.
So..biorgraphy DONE.
Nah, you're not a whore ;)
I hate the term whore. I hope if I ever considered one night stand head I wouldn't be considered a whore. Everyone has desires and it's human nature to go with the moment.
But, as for me persoanlly. I am like Carol in a way, I put so much into pleasing my husband to keep HIM happy I lost me and what I like. So from now on, it's about ME and the next man will have to earn and be worth my time.
Well, back in the mid-'90's, I don't recall many or any manscaped guys in college, when I first started giving head. I was hanging out with this total asshole from the closest frat to campus, and after a few evenings, I decided he was good enough to suck instead of the nightly Blow-Pop accompanying my Coors Light pounders. I told him he would be my first bj, much to his excitement, and that I wanted him to teach me. So basically going from memory of my parent's pornos I had secretly watched in middle school (Not OF my parents-but of their illegally copied stash), and his coaching, I successfully swallowed my way to the finish line.
Did I enjoy it? Not that much. But I was high on the power trip it gave me-in my mouth was this man's (24 yr old junior to my newly 18-freshmeat-self) cock, his breathing rate, and ability to speak seemed to be under my control...and I loved that part of it!
All sweaty, stale end-of-the-night partying dicks aside, as long as it's clean, not too furry, and flavorful, I'll suck and run my tongue around the tip (fave part!) for a few minutes before realizing this is a perfectly good dick I should be riding and jump on!
Maybe if the right guy came along and convinced me he could recharge again quickly for me to ride, I'd suck his first load for him. But sadly, no such man exists in my world...yet?
How does this happen? To me it seems something like that would be a deal-breaker in the beginning. Here's the scary thing -- I had a couple of friends in their 20s when I was single, VERY beautiful. They basically said they did the oral sex thing and pretended to like it until they roped the guy in...then they stopped. So once they had that ring, they tapered it off until they wouldn't do it anymore. (I wrote a book on this called "Bobbing for Diamonds." hahaha)
Even worse, MEN who won't perform oral sex. They'll receive but won't do it. I dated a guy like that once. If he would do it, he'd get upset if it took too long to get results.
Well, I appreciate a girl who wants to, but if doesn't like it, I'm not going to push her. I get off naturally on my girl getting off. Bottom line.
Hey B... I am reading babe xxx
If my bf would blog like you I would not give head either.
That's ok, he's probably getting head some place else, from someone who has better things to do than be a blog detective, you lame buffoon.
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