One of my readers once asked me, "What do YOU WANT?"
I was taken back for a second, I never really had anyone ask me before, or did I ever really think about it. I mean, there are the obvious things we think we want. I sat back for a second, and actually thought about what it is I really want. I mean of course down the line I want a relationship and be happy, a family. All the simple answers people give. But it’s not as simple of an answer. It's pretty complicated when you REALLY think about it. And, I am a complicated mystery. So I guess the simple answer just wouldn't work.
My answer was, "I am in the wind." A mafia term for former gangsters who have turned. Gone into the witness protection. They left and are now living "in the wind." Well, that's not what I meant. I took that term...and used it for my own use.
The Basil-pedia term means: I am not looking...but letting her find me.
But I do have the Prerequisites for a Relationship. Very important qualities to even get a foot in the door. But more importantly, do I have the prerequisites myself to be in a relationship? It’s easy to be concerned about what you want, and how you want it...but not too easy to know you want something, yet say, I am not ready myself, what do I...offer them?
How much baggage do I carry around every single day...what's in my attic, what’s in my basement? A lot of you carry around so much weight, it’s almost unfair to bring someone into the mess we never cleaned up, but swept under the rug so that it looked good to the blind eye. We are all guilty of this, including me.
"Problems, what problems?"
I know I expect someone else to do it for me, so it’s important we do it for him or her. To work out that stuff, come in knowing what it is they want, and make sure I am all those things and more. The one thing I don't do is look. To me, looking equals failure. Of course I make myself accessible. I have tried dating sites, putting myself out there. In fact, I have tried it all. It’s my job as the Dating Naked columnist. But I don't join these sites thinking, it has to be for love. I'm not looking for love, yet letting love happen on its own. To me, it comes off looking desperate. Now before you kill me...you lookers out there, I simply mean dating sites are just tools to increase our chances to meet people we might never meet. People who might just turn into the real thing. I once said in this very article, the original...that, "I am not afraid of being alone."
But that was a lie, I am terrified of it! Terrified that I will die alone, never having that very thing we all strive for. But in that, I still won't tie myself into the wrong thing, at the wrong time. That just makes me want to work that much harder on myself. I can tell you, I have lost a few great chances at relationships over the last few years because I didn't have the prerequisites to be in one, or even entertain one. And believe me, I wanted to grab onto it for all I was worth. There are A LOT of people who just can't help but hate that they don't have that someone, right that second in time. And they have that “For Sale” sign hanging around their necks.
And let’s be totally honest. It’s a bad market out there right now.
What that leads to is, allowing your expectations to be lowered...therefore allowing the wrong people in. Stopping other possibilities...”better fits” to pass you by. What do you expect when you take your house off the market. People don't stop to look at you. Serious buyers, that is.
So what are my prerequisites that I look for in a person?
1: Has to be outgoing. This is so very, very important. I like when someone can see something they want, and doesn't hold back. Can crack a joke and laugh at herself. Likes other people and likes to socialize. The last thing I want is someone who hates people, and likes to stay in all the time.
2: Has to be loyal...I can't stress that enough. I need a soul that wants and will protect mine for all they are worth. Who at times can be a pitbull when it comes time to have my back on something. Just like she would want me to do. To be family...to get that close to be my life. Betrayal must never be an option. I see all this distrust in relationships...and the stress. That’s for the birds. I need to know when you say something...I can trust it without question or doubt. And I want to give that trust.
3: No ex-relationship baggage. Hey, I know we all have it, don't get me wrong. I have baggage, had baggage before that baggage. My attic was a clutter fuck of baggage...I have had to sort through it, and get rid of the things holding me back. I had to; it was no easy task. You never move on to the next unsuspecting bastard, bags in hand and dump it on him or her. Your next relationship isn't your therapist's office.
4: Has to have a good education and foundation of her own. Never, and I mean never, get involved with someone who is just starting their higher education. Someone who works hard, will respect that you work hard. They will respect their spending. Although I might be a bit of a hypocrite since I go through money like water. But in that, it makes me want to work that much harder making money. I simply like that someone has a passion for something, and they are doing it. Ambition...I don't care what it is. How small or how big. Someone who has their own will respect and love mine.
5: Has to love animals. I have two boxer dogs...Capone and Honey; they are like family to me, my kids in many ways. But it goes beyond that. Someone who has compassion for animals, is a deep human being. Now, I am not talking PETA here. I won't be giving up steak any time soon, or start throwing paint on people who wear fur. But just someone who shares my love for the four-legged creatures of the world. My love runs deep; I am a sucker for all animals. While I looked into boxer rescues, before I got Honey, I was horrified by the cruel things people did to these animals, so much so it made me cry. I know my future will have me involved with helping these animals in some sort of way. Puppy mills need to be shut down and pet stores need to change their involvement with mills.
6: Has to love food...it's a passion of mine. Not just eating it, but creating it. I love cooking. I love all kinds of ethnic foods from all over the world. I plan on cooking all the time. BBQ's are going to be a Sunday thing. Christmas is going to be a feast of the seven fishes. Anniversaries will be amazing. I love family - Yours and mine. Or...I hope yours. Yikes...hahaha
7: Family, I want a nice, big family. So if one kid is all you have in mind…hey, I will have drinks with you, maybe sexual relations. Become friends...but I plan on preserving my family and planting my roots. I see two maybe three in my future...four if I make the serious cash-eesh. You see I lost my Mom in a fire. Never met my father. And a lot of my family moved away or doesn't want to be part of the family. This is important to me. My kids are not even born yet...and I already love them. So I hope she loves the idea of family.
I’ll stop there, seven is a lucky number for me...Just hope that means I won't be married six times before I get it right. <-- Knocks on wood
But there are so many things...being able to have fun, likes sports. Wouldn't mind going to a UFC mixed Martial Arts fight. Could sit there and watch Monday Night Raw with me. Likes to go on drives. Loves the beach, boardwalks. Has a deviant side, and can get a little wild. They are important, but not as important as the prerequisite-seven list. Remember though, it’s not always what they can do for you, it’s what you can do for them as well...going out strong with my JFK reference...Naked.
What’s your Prerequisite list?
Do you think you have all the Prerequisites to even be in a relationship? Leave a comment and let us know.
Basil...Dating Naked
Great blog! I always liked it but mainly for the whole stop and think part. It's moments like that when we learn about ourselves. So many people just travel from relationship to relationship never approaching why it failed and what part they played in that. It's ok to be afraid to be alone. I think it's a good sign, that you respect what a commitment and family can bring you and hopefully you're willing to reciprocate just as much. Congrats on the second dog.
Passionate about me
Passionate about music
Passionate about food
Passionate about sex
Love animals
Love children/ be a kid at heart
Love water
Love travel
be active
confident and capable
fun/laid back/open minded
Not lazy
Its not the same blog, its different on many levels. although the theme is the same.
Yes, it's not the same. You've brought in an important new piece. Prerequisites of yourself before you can be in a relationship.
Very good my little mouse...you pay attention.
Never get involved with someone who is just starting their higher education? Besides the obvious factor that the person will be busy studying...why not get involved?
Thats simple...as you said, you will have no time for the relationship. Of course at first, it all seems to work out, but after awhile...either you will give into the relationship, and put that education on the back burner. or you will the relationship.
Plus, if you are just starting school...why would you want one? To have a warm body in yoru bed...? get a booty call,feels the same.. no guilt
Ok Basil.... Let me see
My Prerequistes:
I always said my number one request was that he have a good sense of humor. And I found someone who is funny and fun to be around. I think humor can get you through a whole lot in life. I do question this comment, though:
"And let’s be totally honest. It’s a bad market out there right now."
Why is that? I don't know...I think it gets harder as you get older, for women anyway. It does seem since men don't live as long as women, that there end up being a whole lot more single women than men once you reach middle age. But until then...it's just tough in general once you reach your 30s. Your social circle shrinks and the number of single people shrinks as well. When you're in your teens and 20s, almost everyone around you is single...then you wake up one day and there are six single people you know and every single one of them are so screwed up, no way would you date them!
To Steph - Well, I look around me, and I think the good ones are all taken, because they are the good ones. I think its a lot more bad than good in the singles market.
You look around, and everyone has their pole in the ocean..fighting for whatever they can get..and lots of bad fish circling the boats. in my five years on myspace, I have seen a lot of desperate people settle on the wrong thing just so they weren't alone. I think its a real bad market...being you have a lot of pretenders out there. Guys pretending they are committing, only because that's the prerequisite thing to do, to even get close. And you have girls, pretending they want less, just to snag the one guy everyone wants.
And to Carla - Hows that working out for ya, and one question. he has to respect your faith, but what if he doesn't have one himself..does that means you will respect his lack of faith?
QUESTION: How is that working out for ya??? --and-- If he has to respect your faith in God... do you respect his non-faith (if that is the case)??
ANSWER: Well, Basil... like you said most of the 'good ones' ARE taken espec. when you get to your 40's.. it becomes harder and harder. I don't think I have unfair 'prerequisites'(and if I do,please weigh in from a guys point of view, I would like to hear it) so I would rather be single if I can't find the right match. I don't need to be with someone.. just to avoid being alone (lonely). I am just fine... happy and at peace.
As far as the faith issue... All I ask is that he respects that I have faith.. I never stand on a soap box and preach (not my style)and I NEVER try to change anyone...Never have..never will.
I deleted the whole thing. I deleted my myspace as well. It's so boring, and I really have no time for it. But anyways.
My prerequisite for a relationship has changed a lot since the last time I have read this. I was being a little silly but more on a serious note.
First and foremost someone who will accept my children because we are a package deal.
Someone who is a manly man(to feel protected)
A sense of humor, I love to laugh and I love being silly and making others laugh.
Someone who will listen to me,and respect what I am saying even if he doesn't agree. As I will him.
Great conversation
Having some of the same interests,but also different because we were all put here to learn from one another.
Great SEX, SEX is very important, meaning being compatable and like to try new things.
Someone who will let me have the last beer, lol...oh being silly again.
And not make me sit and watch porn with him. I can make my own I don't need to watch it, OKAY! lol!
Okay this is it for now...I am sure I will be adding to this list later.
I am down with the making porn stuff. should have added that.
"What do you want" ~ it's a tough question. As a matter of fact, I hate that question because I don't know the answer....YET~LOL!
Good prerequisite list!
I think this is a great topic, you have made some really good points.
You mentioned about being scared of being alone. I think this is a common fear and sometimes misunderstood. I have been divorced for 6 years. I am happy being alone while I wait for the right person. I don't believe in settling just to be in a relationship. Yet I do have the fear that I will always be alone. Being a single mom of 3 daughters I have not put my focus on dating, so I think about what will happen when they are grown and I am left home alone with the dog? That is not the life that I hope for.
Thanks for sharing.
My fear is, being ready, being the best that I am...and never sharing that with someone. But in my mind, I don't really feel I will be. I am to out there for that to happen. My single-dom, is partly my doing.
This is the man I grew up with and remember. I remember your heart,your sweet kind soul,your love for family, and your longing for a true full family of your own.It is amazing that no matter how much we've changed throughout life, some things in our longing souls simply will not. You will find her or she will find you. You deserve it my friend. You will treat her like a queen, and you her king and happily ever after will follow (with a few bumps along the way... that's just how it works). You aren't meant to be alone for the rest of your life. You have too much love to offer someone.She'll be there soon.Love you and miss you, Rena
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