Ok, so the dating scene is not going as smoothly as you thought it was going to be.
The last guy turned out to be a jerk after you had sex with him, and this other guy/girl won't stop calling after one bad date. Now you’re starting to second-guess breaking up with your last relationship. Grass isn't always greener, is it?
I could have told you that, but who asked me. It doesn't always happen as fast as you would like! That's always a fact. Nothing good ever comes easily...or quickly. If it seemed too easy, it probably was. You are not the exception, the exception being the rule. If you were, you wouldn't be thinking about that ex. You see, he wasn't perfect, but he was always there. It’s easy to remember the comfort of the relationship. It’s even easier to forget why we broke up in the first place. The pull to pick up the phone is a drug, and it’s not easy to shake. Sometimes we just want what's familiar.
It’s like a comfort food you have not had in awhile; you just know it’s going to be good...even if it won't help your diet.
It’s even funnier how they know when to call when you are at your most vulnerable point. Like they have some kind of spy in your brain, telling them, "CALL, she is miserable." Weird Jedi mind tricks we play on ourselves.
A sign from above: You were thinking about old times, the best times. Looking at old photos...it must be a sign that he called...Right? Wrong, it’s really not...you are just looking for a sign. Loneliness is a bitch of a feeling. Loneliness is a feeling where people experience a powerful surge of emptiness. In that emptiness, we reach for things to fill that void. It makes you call a friend, just to see if they are going to tell you what you want to hear. Tell you that yes, what you are thinking is true, Confirmation. The truth of the matter is, he probably has been thinking about you from the point of the break up. Maybe because he misses you, or maybe even because you ended it, and not on "his" terms. Maybe because he has an ego, and didn't like being dumped, and told it’s not going to work. Most of all, he of all people, will know just what to say.
Of course he will, he spent a good chunk of time with you, and knows just what it is you need to hear... It’s not at all that they changed and have figured out what they did wrong the first time. No, it’s that they can manipulate your weakness of being lonely. "You know, kind of how they kept you in that relationship longer than you wanted to be in it in the first place. "Manipulation," is the way most people get what they want, even when it is not really what you wanted.
The ex is guilty of this just as much as a player trying to get in your pants. They, like the player, will say and do whatever it’s going to take to get that end result.
Sex with an Ex...aka comfort sex: Like a comfort food, comfort sex is the familiar touch of someone who put in the time. He may not even be the best sex, but it was that relationship sex you have been missing. The problem is, there is no way a stranger can give you that feeling you desire. Yeah, he might be able to fuck, and fuck well...you might have cum more times in one night with this stranger than you did your whole relationship...but we all know what the truth really is. Most girls will take emotional in-love sex over that great fuck. I know some of you ladies are reading this talking to yourselves saying, "BULLSHIT, I want the fucking and the orgasms!"
But more than not, you want that emotional connection only a relationship can give you. We all know when that guy is inside you, and he is looking so deep into your eyes, you think you can see inside of his heart, and it’s beating just for you. But you are only remembering the beginning, and not the middle and the end.
The beginning is the best part of everything new. If that feeling came in a food, or candy bar, you girls would all be pretty fat, and watching infomercials waiting for that next new gadget sure to knock the pounds right off...right? It doesn't and chocolate will only last so long.
So, you sit there mind-fucking yourself asking: "Was it really that bad, or was it you being selfish?" Maybe it was both...maybe the beginning was like any other great beginning. But he or she couldn't sustain it. But, never lose sight of the things that made you feel neglected, or the selfish habits they couldn't change that made you want to get on a plane and never come back. The relationship came to an end for a reason, and it’s your job to see if it was really them, or maybe it was you.
In the movie The Break Up...It ended with Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston running into each other, and everything seemed all clean and fresh. He had learned something, and lost some relationship pounds. And she had traveled and done the things her relationship held her back from doing. It ends with the possibility of something...but doesn't elaborate.
That's us...sometimes you have to leave something and leave it in the past, to have something better than before. You can't EVER go back to something thinking it wasn't really that bad. That's fools gold.
You want the past, you will get the past...and all the bullshit that came with it. Make sure you know that if you do get that pull, that you have moved on from the past, and start all over from go. They have to earn your time, not get it because nothing else better came along. I know the theory is, “I’d rather be unhappy and not alone, than unhappy and alone.” How about we just work on being happy, the rest will follow...NAKED!
Basil...Dating Naked
Very good blog. I will have to come back later.
There was one man who had that power over me...walking away from him was very empowering. Even though sex with the ex might be a temporary comfort, saying NO and having that strength? Priceless. There's nothing like that feeling. It's like the feeling you have when you stick to your diet in the face of great temptation. That feeling is much better than the temporary enjoyment you get from indulging.
Agreed, unless it wasn't the ex, but you thinking the grass was greener. It all depends.
Sometimes, when you are alone, you start debating whether it was really that bad. thats what being alone does to people.
Basil that's some great advice. Men can be good at manipulation and know that women do prefer the comfort of someone they already know. Someone new is exciting but someone you have already been with provides that need to connect emotionally.
I do believe though its very empowering to be able to say No, and realize why it didn't work in the first place.
Thank you LB - Its very easy to go back to what we know, especially when you are missing that connection. I see people do it al the time. Truth to be told, people just don't know how to do single, and do it well.
That's tomorrows hot topic. showing people how to do single well.
Ha. My ex called me last night at 3 am. Thank goodness I was sound asleep. (The ex husband, Basil.)
He just called to say (I mean slur) that he should've never let me go and he loves me sooo much and will always love me and so on and so forth.
I laughed when I heard it.
HE shouldn't have been an abusive, drug addicted moron.
Oh well. However, his sex was the best...but that was ten years of getting to know all the right spots.
I totally get what you are saying. The comfort. Personally I like having someone warm in my bed...but not someone that I have to kick out in the morning before the kids wake up. I just sleep better with someone next to me...like a security blanket lol
Mz Carol. He is a terd, whom I would stick ice picks in his nuts for the thinsg he did to you.
But you are on the ball...women love that comfort, and is why they end up back in the web of ex-past.
This is very true. Happened to me five times with the same man over a ten year period (engaged each time). And he was a scary stalker type. But sex was always overwhelmingly good. And he did always say everything I'd always wanted to hear. Funny, but even when he showed up AFTER the divorce (he'd had a flat on the way to the wedding and missed us), it was the first time I was really able to say NO. And he'd even been the affair I'd had IN the marriage.
It was, indeed. Empowering. To finally feel absolutely nothing. BUT, it took a seriously painful ending for that to finally sink in.
And those thoughts DO creep in when you are alone. Sometimes, even when you're not, but you're on a date with someone new and boring, or an egghead, or a touchy feely octopus you just met. Ugh. Sometimes, those folks you're comfortable with are just what the doctor ordered. Because life can be so crazy and busy. It's like a tropical island vacation...but that only works if you KEEP it in the perspective of a vacation. Not everyone can do that.
Great blog, Basil.
I absolutely love comfort. Especially at 5 a.m. when I just wake up from a dream and I can get a little early morning treat lol
damnit. now I need to find me some comfort. OH, and lol...the young one is calling again...but dang it I want a relationship, not a babysitting job.
oh well. take it as it comes ;)
I closed my eyes, I kissed that frog. But why didn't he turn out to be my prince charmin? lol!
I am so guilty of this madness you are talking about, but mine was called marriage. Nope not going there doing that again(meaning going back to him). He could be the most richest good looking man in the world and I would never look at him like other women would ONLY because they don't know him. No going backwards. Rule number one after breaking it off.
I have no time for a realationship, it's actually a very scary thought. I have nothing to offer. Meaning my energy is tapped out when it comes to men. The focus is ME and MINE. Now a boy toy every once in a while,,,hmmm that's a thought. ;)
I wracked my brain and honestly only ever did ex sex twice. The first time sucked. The sex. The emotions. I was very hurt by him and the hookup reflected it. I had ex sex later with someone else and it worked for ashort while. We basically invented friends with benifits before it was fashionable. It doesn't work for long with an ex. I would say the best of both worlds is best. When you can have amazing sex, orgasms and all AND have that emotionally connection. Having both in one is my favorite sex.
I can honestly say I have only once gone back to an ex for a relationship. That was my first ex sex and again that was a disaster. I don't want to be with them after it's over and i don't break up with them until I'm sure.
ex sex are for those who can't hack in the single world.
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