And doing single well...because let’s be frank, most of you don't do it well at all.
Watching men and women being single these days is painful to watch. I think it’s even painful for them to go through it. But that's where I become confused. Being single gets a bad rap in my opinion; I mean, it allows you to open new doors, try new things. Maybe it’s just me, but I am a curious person, I like opening new doors...and love trying new things. To me, there is nothing more exciting than the unknown. Being single offers us a world of opportunity. You just have to know where to find it.
I have read articles from Men's Health to Forbes magazine discussing the five best cities to meet men and women. First of all, you can meet people in any city, any place around the world. There is no such thing as one city being better than another. Now if you are living in a city of 3000 people, your chances of meeting someone drastically changes...kind of common sense. Small town America is famous for high school sweethearts, but that's also because there are less fish in the pond. Dating sites are all the rage. And while they are viable, they have flaws.
1: They will never accurately tell you anything. Does anyone list his or her flaws? Do those sites even ask people that? Do they ask you if you have ever cheated on someone, and if they did, would you admit it? Does anyone put down the questions like...”Are you a good conversationalist?” Eight out of ten times, you are viewing the representative, what they think they are, or wish they were.
What they are good for is...they allow you to pick who was the hottest; because if you pass the eye candy test, it really doesn't matter what your profile says...someone will give you a chance.
If you are single, it won't hurt to sign up for one, not two or three, of those sites like eHarmony, or Match. They are the reputable sites. I will say, avoid anything free...because that's where you will find the bottom feeders mixed in with the good ones. The real douche bags who don't like to pay for anything. They complain that they have to pay for your drinks...pay for dinner. God forbid they had to pay for one of those dating sites. You will find them all over Myspace...number one breeding ground for douche nation. Facebook is another, although it’s not as bad as Myspace. And they are there because it’s booty pickings for smart players. Guys will be any place girls are, that is a fact you need to recognize. The easier, the better…that should be your first rule if you want a serious man or woman. If it is free, beware!
2: To go along with your account on one of the reputable sites, go out and try speed dating. Go out with one if not all of your girlfriends or best Bro-friends. There are so many new ways to meet people these days. Why not make a night of it just for fun. What’s the worst that could happen? Meeting in person allows you to avoid wasting time. With people, there are just some things you can't hide, but you can easily pick up on in person. I always say, especially with girls, they just know. They know if they won't like you, if they will sleep with you...whether or not they will enjoy getting to know you. When they get a bad vibe, baby...pack it up, it’s over.
One of the biggest issues with single women that makes being single miserable is they wait for men to talk to them, rather than approaching the men. It’s the biggest misconception that you come off looking desperate. Most, if not all guys are afraid of rejection, and coming off looking desperate just isn’t appealing. But in the same breath, women are sick of men approaching them with their cheesy unoriginal lines.
So how does one solve that problem, without coming off too desperate?
I understand that some of those guys you approach will turn out to be married, gay or just jerks. But, you must believe a few of them might just be someone of interest that will live up to the billing. But you wouldn't know that because you most likely will never see them again. Why, because you didn't woman up and introduce yourself!
B: You have to be willing to date, like go out on an actual date. That means don't give them your Myspace, and don't spend hours talking to them on the phone until after you had at least one good first date. Lunch dates are best...especially if you have a job, or career. Think about that, you could actually have a week of five dates with men getting to know them...and by the end of the week you might have one great weekend date with the one guy that impressed you better than the rest. What's the worst that could happen? They are all duds, and you have a weekend out with the ladies. That just means a new week of phone numbers and new dates. Another perk about the lunch date...if it’s really bad, hey, you have to be back at work in an hour…right? Lol!
My advice: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Your chances of finding the right guy greatly increases the more men you meet, just like anything else in life. You might even meet a few good friends...date quantity, and pick quality.
If you have questions...I have answers. If I don't, I will make it up as I go.
This is very true. Another thing I have noticed is how unapproachable and uninviting some people can be. Seriously, I've always said a smile can be the most important accessory to an outfit. It's like the wall flower who stands there with their arms crossed and a pout on their face not speaking to a soul, even their friends. Maybe it's just a bad night but more often than not some people are simply uninviting. So on top of not apporaching others they are practically wearing repellent. I see this in men and women. They give off that leave me alone vibe and then wonder why.
Those are the ones who need a good lay...and about 12 orgasms in a row.
I have this things anyway, I make sure we had eye contact...and I can tell from there whether or not I should walk up to them. my rate of success is about 85%.
Love eye contact. Orgasms do help when you're not feeling very in the mood to go out. Getting yourself all hot and bothered, although it can also invite trouble. Lol. But really it gives you a smile for sure before you leave the house:)
Basil... I will confess,I thought about this blog awhile and came to the honest conclusion,I do not know how to date at all..really I don't. I find it hard to go out to places to meet singles because most of my friends locally are married and just are not interested in going along. I have close single GF's but they don't live close to me (I fly to see them every 6-8 weeks or so). I have a great time going out with the single girls but that doesn't help me because if I meet someone, I live to far away. I guess I should be seeking GF's to hang with up here.
So with that all said, I tried the dating site route...oh yes, the dreaded online dating site!! I am so tired of meeting someone who either I have an attraction to and they don't to me or they have an attraction to me and I don't to them. I just feel like I am going in dating circles meeting single men there.
Hey, I really like the eye contact idea...maybe that will work..LOL
I like this advice, great tip on the lunch dates if you are doing the inter-web dating. Also if I may add a good place to meet a potential date is to just do your normal every day things you enjoy doing. Like going to the gym, a coffee shop in a book store. I am not at all into the club scene. I go for girls night outs. BUT I am seriously wearing the repellant. lol! And their are some dummys who don't get it and still approach me. That's when I mess with them to the point I make myself look like a total quack. HEE! Then they just go away. But I do have fun with my girls when we are out. So when I get serious about all this, lord knows when that will be. The clubs are off limits for me. And as you may have noticed I already deleted myspazzzz and facebook. That cut out 1/2 the drama in my life. lol!
Anywho, I will keep checking in so I can keep up with your blogs...ahhhh so drama FREE!
p.s. the facebook acct you are referring to some ASS made that with my email w/out me knowing. I was on facebook and didn't know it. lol! But then I went and made one w/my new email, and just couldn't get into it. All the games are so adolescent and I could careless what everyone is doing every moment of the day. So I have to agree this blogging thing is cool without all the drama. So I didn't delete you OKAY! I am here on your blog aren't I? lol!
Carla - You are seriously not alone, most people are weird about dating the second time around. You just get use to having that person in your life, thinking: "I will never have to do that again!"
Here is a tip I didn't list: don't treat someone of potential like he is trying out for a job. Just go out and be yourself. if you two don't hit it off...its a sign he wasn't for you. ALSO, THE EYE CONTACT TRICK WORKS.
Someone of interest will speak to you with their eyes...maybe even a smile. someone who isn't interested will either look away or crack off a dirty look. those you avoid.
E - Agreed on the doing your normal stuff, easiest way to meet someone who is interested in doing things you are. As for the deleting of myspace...No one knows more about what goes on there than me. You have your married or taken women, living double lives on there - so they hide.. change their names. don't use photos. When it got to hot, they delete. I think you were just worried about being honest in my blogs, and worried someone in your real life world would see you in here..lol
My guess. lol
Kris - Some people are just joyless. They should smile more, but they have sticks so far up their asses, that a good lay would do the trick.
I hate leaving comments from my phone. They never show up on here. grrrr.
Read this yesterday and absolutey agree that many people look at singlehood in the wrong way. It is actually a unique time when you are NOT (unless you're a single parent) held in one place by a spouse or children. You can travel, explore, figure out what you're looking for and what you want. It's a time to live for you in a way that YOU want to.
Yes, it was weird at first after divorce. I would now say, that the stats are pretty right on target; it does take at least two years to really be ready for all of this. For some, it can take longer.
Thing is, it's YOU making the decisions for you now. Want to have fun? Do. Want something serious? Then go for it. But I think, as you've said...the smarter you go about it, the better.
No one wants a clingy, emotional, insecure mess. That's too much baggage. Deal with yourself honestly, and get on out there. And lighten up. Can you believe I'm saying that? Ha.
Speed dating is FUNNNNNN (and overwhelming sometimes...)
lmao...and what exactly do I have to hide from my real world friends?
You tell me, since you know.
Not from me to guess...you are just the classic case. You don't use your real name. Just E.
You deleted me once, for no reason whats so ever...you added me to facebook, then deleted me, but your page is still there, just made it private.
lmao, I have talked about you to my friends and to add you and read your blogs. Only one I think did. She was just too shy to comment. So she read what I wrote. I have nothing to hide goof-ball! You know exactly why I don't reveal my full name. And a lot of people don't. Not just me.
I didn't realize it was just on private I thought I deactivated it. So I will have to check to see why it's like that. You're such terd you are giving me a hard time. lol! Because I know you are not seriuosly mad. okay, off to read about blow jobs....lol!
No, not even close to being mad. I don't get mad. and didn't say you were doing those things, but you come off that way.
The eye contact and a smile has a very good success rate! I am not one to go up and introduce myself because I am a bit shy. So if I make eye contact and smile at a guy it seems to give him the ok that I am approachable.
I agree with E that day to day activities are a good place. I do not like to meet a guy at a club, and if I am there with girls I too have the repellent on. I want to have fun and I am not there to look for a mate.
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